Sunday, March 28, 2010

solo explorations!

Hi everyone!

Today was the second time I have gone out completely by myself, and what an adventure it was!
Got lost or as I like to call it "Geographically confused", only fell over once, spoke in Russian and was understood, cried once and was flirted with on the train... it was going well until he spoke to me.

The first time I went out on my own was last week, I had to catch two buses to get to the RIO shopping centre. Minimal dramas+new friend + new shoes + confidence to do it again!
I would have to say the only part of going to RIO that was bad, was when I was at the second bus stop. It is super busy, buses just pull up anywhere and there are about twenty of them in a 200m stretch of street. I was told that there is a free bus from the metro to the shopping centre. I tried to ask a few people which bus it was (as they all said РИО, mostly advertising) and people just turned away like I wasn't there. It was the most bizarre feeling. People couldn't understand me so they just looked away.... However I now know the word for "where" and "bus" and I also now know which bus to take, no thanks to anyone at the bus stop!

Today's trip was so much more exciting. I just had a great day exploring the city. I didn't set off as early as I had hoped but that was ok, I was talking with Lidmeela our cook. She is the most lovely person I have meet here. She is my very own adopted Babushka! I have asked her to teach me to cook some Russian foods.
I walked down to the bus stop and headed to the Metro. The Metro system is a little challenging, but I only got geographically confused six times, which I think is a brilliant first attempt. I didn't have a plan of where I wanted to go, I just wanted to go! I got of the train near Red square, I could have easily walked to the Kremlin from the station, but decided to head in the opposite direction. I didn't find anything particularly amazing to tell you about. I find the whole city amazing. Tunnels under the road for pedestrians have little shops, buskers and beggars in most of them. All the building's have intricate details on them, colours everywhere. Music plays in most streets in the city. I was listening to nice Russian music, then all of a sudden Brittany Spears did it again!
After some lunch in a really nice little cafe, that had pictures on the menu to assist in the decision making process, for those of us who don't know what all the words say, I had "открытый пирог курица".
I continued my walk and bumped into a marching band that was the head of some sort of parade/protest. I have no idea what it was about but it involved a lot of people dressed up in some very odd costumes. Don't worry I'll be posting photo's!
I noticed that I was sort of walking alongside red square, but quite far away. So I took some back streets and headed in the general direction of the palace. Once I had eventually emerged I found myself at the zoo! I found the tunnel to cross the road, bought my ticket (speaking only in Russian!) and headed in.

I tried to go in with an open mind, reminding myself that Australian zoo standards are different to Russia, it's a different country and they don't view animals like we do.
This was all fine, until enclosure number one.
Four lamas, enclosure about the size of a standard Aussie backyard, and dirty snow all through it. They are starting to shed there winter coats so most of the animals looked pretty shabby. After seeing the monkeys, racoons and hundreds of ducks sitting on a frozen pond I got to the Polar bear. My very first polar bear... it was here that I burst into tears! It truly is the saddest thing I have ever seen. He was so bored! The poor thing just walked backwards and forwards, the exact same path, he has worn down the ice. He took 14 steps, turned around walked back to the dirty water, put his paws on the edge, turned around again.
I was slightly aware of the crowds of people admiring the polar bear noticing the crazy Australian woman crying about the polar bear, so pulled myself together and walked away. I'm sad to say that the enclosures didn't get any better. The Baboon looked like it would kill someone if it was on the other side of the glass... I'm pretty sure the Orangutang's where crying and the Deer kept head butting the fence.
I whirled through that zoo faster then anyone who has ever been to a zoo, it was just too sad. Oddly a lot of the enclosures are designed to allow people to touch the animals, I was sitting on a bench when suddenly a horse was nibbling on my coat, further away people where patting a camel. Also people throw there food into the enclosures. So the animals are fat, eating food they shouldn't with no where to exercise. Although I would have to say the elephants where having fun. When I was there two female elephants and a baby elephant where playing under I giant shower, it was adorable. The male elephant was locked away and his mate would walk over and spray water on him. They are so lovely.
The zoo was certainly an experience I won't be forgetting anytime soon.

From there I went back to the Metro, eventually found my way back to the station I started at and caught the bus to RIO. Shopped for a bit then decided to catch the two buses home again.
I strolled home in the dark, feeling oddly safe in my now familiar new home. Gorgeous street lamps, stunning homes, security guards never far away, less ice to slip on now...

I was feeling home sick this week, but after today it has seemed to subside a little. I know I mainly talked about the zoo, which would probably make you think "so why isn't she home sick anymore?" But it was everything else. I'm speaking to people a bit easier, don't get me wrong most of my day is still spent playing charades, but not for things like buying tickets, greeting people and asking there name. I bought a phone today and didn't need my phrase book at all! Feeling more confident to get around and not get completely lost, I always have a bit of an idea of where I am. Reading signs and almost pronouncing words correctly is very satisfying! Just getting to know Russia a bit more is making life so much easier.

Well next weekend is Easter or paskha as it is said here, so I hope you all have a nice holiday with your families. This is my first Holiday without mine... I'm also missing out on chocolate eggs over here too, I had no idea some countries actually decorate real eggs for Easter, and that's it. Where are the chocolate bunnies people!?

I will post more photo's after my Russian Easter!
I miss you all, and I hope everyone is well.
Dasvidanya : )

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me cry Sara! I know I say this all the time but you are so beautiful, you have the most amazing spirit and your lovely nature melts my heart. How did I get so lucky? Love you so much, couldn't be more proud!
    What a wonderful influence and inspiration you are for Madi, no wonder she calls you her hero!
