Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh the joys of being a nanny!

I had the most fantastic day!
I'm so glad I came to Russia!

I absolutely adore grace and Billy, despite them being rather difficult at first, Grace didn't stop smiling at me all day! She has little dimples on her cheeks, it the cutest thing!
And Billy, hugs me all the time and has a big smile on his face and says "c'mon lets go play!"
There just adorable!

I also have made a new friend! We are meeting up on Saturday to do girly things, like shop and speak english!

It turns out the cleaner is trying to learn english, she said "good morning Sara, how are you?" to me this morning and I was a bit surprised at first, and then started rambling on that I didn't know she could speak english blah blah blah, but as I kept talking she just looked more and more confused. So I assume that's the only phrase she has learnt so far. Later this afternoon she called Grace a goat.... not sure what that was about.

Today's menu was also really nice, I had this omelette type thing for lunch and chicken soup.
Instead of using Tomatoes here they use red capsicum a lot, which is such a better alternative! I found out its because the tomatoes in Russia stay green, they don't turn red.

While I know not everyone is interested, the following is an important issue affecting my life. I would like to highly rate Huggies! They are, in my professional opinion the best nappies in the world! Admittedly I haven't completed my travels yet, but they are the best in Australia and sooo much better then "pampers" which is the leading nappy brand in Russia, they suck. After the messes I've had to clean up I feel like I should complain to the company, or that there should be a section in your resume to rate how great you are at changing nappies.

Well I am off to continue my studies of the Russian language. I keep getting the words "delicious" and "cat" mixed up, so I still have some work to do!

I hope everyone is fine at home, I'm missing you all lots!

P.S Once I get over my technological disabilities I will post photos up of the house and show you all where I am living.

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