Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pro's and Con's


As I had a fantastic day with the kids today, I thought I might make I quick pro's and con's list, for me to refer to when I have a bad day. Also, I'm anticipating home sickness to hit me some time this month, so a List of Pro's will never go astray...

~I'm seeing the world, a new culture and sort of learning a new language.
~The people I am living with have been nothing but kind and generous to me.
~When would I ever get to live in the snow if I wasn't here?
~Billy is good fun, and is like having my own pet parrot.
~Grace is certainly one of a kind, I will never meet another human being under the age of seven that can consume as much as she can!
~Every day is a challenge, I'm learning so much about myself.... like I'm pretty good at acting out "where is the cheese?".
~I love my job, and this is why!

~Grace never smiles, and its very depressing.
~Billy hits when he gets excited.
~While I know having new food is all part of the new country experience, I would just love to find a food I really like.
~It's freezing and there is no sun.
~I can't have a conversation with anyone, which is really difficult because as you all know, I really love to talk.

The pro's list definitely wins. I did have a really big list written out, but just picked a few points for my blog, I tend to drag these things on a bit!

Well I will be photographer Sara tomorrow and will update pics as soon as I can, fingers crossed the sun will be out tomorrow!
Today was by far the coldest day I have endured, the wind felt like it was from a glacier!

Before I go, I do have a funny story from today. We headed out to get groceries and I went to the chemist to try and get something for my cold. I was hoping that the pharmacist would be able to speak english, but she didn't. So I was acting out my symptoms, such as sneezing, pretending to blow my nose, coughing ect pointing at drugs behind the counter. Meanwhile about five or six other people had lined up behind me and everyone was watching the crazy lady who can't speak russian.
I ended up walking out with nasal spray, which I already had at home. However I did get a few smiles from my spectators : )

Another day in Russia!


  1. Love your blog,...
    Little story, Brad had to act up a duck in a shopping centre a few years ago; he was quacking and flapping his wings for a shop assistant and a client who after a few minutes directed him to the chicken... .

  2. Wish I could have seen your charades game in the chemist Sara.....would have been hilarious!!
