Friday, February 19, 2010

Day one in Moscow

Privet everyone!

I landed in Moscow yesterday, to a very warm 4 degrees! I was shocked, it was meant to be -23! Once the plane had landed everyone clapped.... like hooray we didn't die.... It was then I realised I am in a very different country.
The snow was falling, I had no idea what anyone was saying, and everyone was looking at me. After struggling with my more then 7kgs of hand luggage I made it through customs and had my visa checked. I found my very stylish luggage and stole a trolley.
After being shouted at by about 15 russian men to see if i needed a "TAXI" I soon found Nelly holding up a sign with my name on it and "Welcome to Russia".

We hit the road, and it was terrifying, they drive on the opposite side of the road, and there is pretty much no speed limit! It is hard to see the lines on the road, so people just guess and go for it... I thought I was going to see a car accident for sure. I asked Nelli if they have many accidents and her response was "ummm duh" (yes).

We made it home after about an hour and a half, and it felt like I had stepped into a photo. Moscow has the most beautiful buildings, the snow is so white and there are icicles hanging from the gutters in perfect formation. Underneath the snow you can see all these colours and you just know that spring and summer will be gorgeous.

There are (big) russian men that live here too, well I think they do, they are security and drivers, but due to the language barriers I have no idea why there are so many of them. Or what it is they do exactly....

The house is very big and warm, with big windows. From my bedroom window I can see the neighbours house (which looks like a mini palace) and the snow covered trees and fence.

I start work at 3pm until 9pm sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, Friday. Thursdays I work 9am til 6pm and I don't work on Saturdays. I am yet to meet the Russian nanny who works in the morning. I have met most the security guards and the cook and cleaner, and have already forgot how to pronounce their names.

The children are very sweet, the little boy is so smart and very keen to speak english, which is lovely, the little girl is still very shy, but it won't take long for her to warm up to me, I'm sure.

I haven't gone into the city centre yet, we drove past the outside of it on our way home, and to be honest it didn't look very inviting, I could see big apartment building that looked very old and dirty. I'm sure once I'm in the city it will look different, and be nice. I will let you all know what I think after my first visit, when ever that may be.

Well it is snowing again and almost time for me to start work.
So for now, Dasvidaniya!

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