Monday, February 22, 2010

Shopping is hard....

So Today I decided I would tackle shopping head on....

After lots of laughing, pointing at menu's, trying to speak Russian (very badly) and listening to the guy behind the counter try to speak english (very badly) I ended up with the wrong order.

After eating, whatever it was that I ordered, I went to the biggest most gigantic super market I have ever seen. There where 100 cash registers, every single one was open, with a grumpy little old russian lady sitting behind it. It was huge, and sold just about everything, I even found Nutella (my life in Russia has now been made substantially easier). I am not having any trouble using the Russian currency, although buying something for 1000 roubles seems like its very expensive, but its actually only about $36. A few sales people asked me if i needed help (well I'm guessing thats what they said) and as soon as I spoke english they just smiled and said they have no idea what I am saying. Although the few people I did bump into that could speak a little english were very happy to speak to me, and very nice. Most people understand a few basic words, such as "hello", "yes", "no", "excuse me", and "thank you", But I know how to say all of that in Russian. I will keep trying to learn more of the language and hopefully each shopping trip will get easier.

In my first blog I named the children, Billy and Grace.... those names do not suit at all, but I won't change them. Grace, likes to eat, a lot. She also likes to scream and cry all the time. Billy also likes screaming, and is being very difficult to get along with. The thought of the children being the hardest part of coming to russia didn't even enter my head back in Australia. I have never had problems with coming into a new family and becoming friends with the children before, I also have never been the second Nanny before, but it's early days still. Oh come to think of it I have been the second nanny to a family before, but that transition was very easy. Oh well, I wanted a challenge, and I certainly got one!

Well its getting late and it is snowing again, my heater is keeping me toasty warm as is my hot chocolate and the house is finally quite, so I am off to sleep.

Спокойной ночи (Spokoinoi nochi)
Good night!


  1. It all sounds amazing Sara! Love reading your Blog...make sure you keep it updated!
    Want to see photos of outside! Come on get crackin' girl!
